android - FileNotFoundException when trying to get acess token of Instagram API -

i filenotfoundexception while trying retrieve access_token: 01-01 11:50:39.371: w/system.err(21868):    @ 

the error occurring @ line

jsonobject jsonobj  = (jsonobject) new jsontokener(streamtostring(urlconnection.getinputstream())).nextvalue(); 

what doing wrong?

just replace current class in library.

package;  import; import; import; import; import; import; import;  import org.json.jsonobject; import org.json.jsontokener;  import; import android.content.context; import android.content.intent; import; import android.os.handler; import android.os.message; import android.util.log; import;  /**  *   * @author thiago locatelli <>  * @author lorensius w. l t <>  *   */ public class instagramapp {      private instagramsession msession;     private instagramdialog mdialog;     private oauthauthenticationlistener mlistener;     private progressdialog mprogress;     private string mauthurl;     private string mtokenurl;     private string maccesstoken;     private context mctx;      private string mclientid;     private string mclientsecret;       private static int what_finalize = 0;     private static int what_error = 1;     private static int what_fetch_info = 2;      /**      * callback url, set in 'manage oauth costumers' page      * (      */      public static string mcallbackurl = "";     private static final string auth_url = "";     private static final string token_url = "";     private static final string api_url = "";      private static final string tag = "instagramapi";      public instagramapp(context context, string clientid, string clientsecret,             string callbackurl) {          mclientid = clientid;         mclientsecret = clientsecret;         mctx = context;         msession = new instagramsession(context);         maccesstoken = msession.getaccesstoken();         mcallbackurl = callbackurl;         mtokenurl = token_url + "?client_id=" + clientid + "&client_secret="                 + clientsecret + "&redirect_uri=" + mcallbackurl + "&grant_type=authorization_code";         mauthurl = auth_url + "?client_id=" + clientid + "&redirect_uri="                 + mcallbackurl + "&response_type=code&display=touch&scope=likes+comments+relationships";          oauthdialoglistener listener = new oauthdialoglistener() {             @override             public void oncomplete(string code) {                 getaccesstoken(code);             }              @override             public void onerror(string error) {                 mlistener.onfail("authorization failed");             }         };          mdialog = new instagramdialog(context, mauthurl, listener);         mprogress = new progressdialog(context);         mprogress.setcancelable(false);     }      private void getaccesstoken(final string code) {         mprogress.setmessage("getting access token ...");;          new thread() {             @override             public void run() {                 log.i(tag, "getting access token");                 int = what_fetch_info;                 try {                     url url = new url(token_url);                     //url url = new url(mtokenurl + "&code=" + code);                     log.i(tag, "opening token url " + url.tostring());                     httpurlconnection urlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();                     urlconnection.setrequestmethod("post");                     urlconnection.setdoinput(true);                     urlconnection.setdooutput(true);                     //urlconnection.connect();                     outputstreamwriter writer = new outputstreamwriter(urlconnection.getoutputstream());                     writer.write("client_id="+mclientid+                                 "&client_secret="+mclientsecret+                                 "&grant_type=authorization_code" +                                 "&redirect_uri="+mcallbackurl+                                 "&code=" + code);                     writer.flush();                     string response = streamtostring(urlconnection.getinputstream());                     log.i(tag, "response " + response);                     jsonobject jsonobj = (jsonobject) new jsontokener(response).nextvalue();                      maccesstoken = jsonobj.getstring("access_token");                     log.i(tag, "got access token: " + maccesstoken);                      string id = jsonobj.getjsonobject("user").getstring("id");                     string user = jsonobj.getjsonobject("user").getstring("username");                     string name = jsonobj.getjsonobject("user").getstring("full_name");                                       msession.storeaccesstoken(maccesstoken, id, user, name);                  } catch (exception ex) {                     = what_error;                     ex.printstacktrace();                 }                  mhandler.sendmessage(mhandler.obtainmessage(what, 1, 0));             }         }.start();     }      private void fetchusername() {         mprogress.setmessage("finalizing ...");          new thread() {             @override             public void run() {                 log.i(tag, "fetching user info");                 int = what_finalize;                 try {                     url url = new url(api_url + "/users/" + msession.getid() + "/?access_token=" + maccesstoken);                      log.d(tag, "opening url " + url.tostring());                     httpurlconnection urlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();                     urlconnection.setrequestmethod("get");                     urlconnection.setdoinput(true);                     //urlconnection.setdooutput(true);                     urlconnection.connect();                     string response = streamtostring(urlconnection.getinputstream());                     system.out.println(response);                     jsonobject jsonobj = (jsonobject) new jsontokener(response).nextvalue();                     string name = jsonobj.getjsonobject("data").getstring("full_name");                     string bio = jsonobj.getjsonobject("data").getstring("bio");                     log.i(tag, "got name: " + name + ", bio [" + bio + "]");                 } catch (exception ex) {                     = what_error;                     ex.printstacktrace();                 }                  mhandler.sendmessage(mhandler.obtainmessage(what, 2, 0));             }         }.start();        }       private handler mhandler = new handler() {         @override         public void handlemessage(message msg) {             if (msg.what == what_error) {                 mprogress.dismiss();                 if(msg.arg1 == 1) {                     mlistener.onfail("failed access token");                 }                 else if(msg.arg1 == 2) {                     mlistener.onfail("failed user information");                 }             }              else if(msg.what == what_fetch_info) {                 fetchusername();             }             else {                 mprogress.dismiss();                 mlistener.onsuccess();             }         }     };      public boolean hasaccesstoken() {         return (maccesstoken == null) ? false : true;     }      public void setlistener(oauthauthenticationlistener listener) {         mlistener = listener;     }      public string getusername() {         return msession.getusername();     }      public string getid() {         return msession.getid();     }      public string getname() {         return msession.getname();     }      public void authorize() {         //intent webauthintent = new intent(intent.action_view);         //webauthintent.setdata(uri.parse(auth_url));         //mctx.startactivity(webauthintent);;     }      private string streamtostring(inputstream is) throws ioexception {         string str = "";          if (is != null) {             stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();             string line;              try {                 bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(                         new inputstreamreader(is));                  while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) {                     sb.append(line);                 }                  reader.close();             } {                 is.close();             }              str = sb.tostring();         }          return str;     }      public void resetaccesstoken() {         if (maccesstoken != null) {             msession.resetaccesstoken();             maccesstoken = null;         }     }      public interface oauthauthenticationlistener {         public abstract void onsuccess();          public abstract void onfail(string error);     } } 


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