tsql - Pivot with Temp Table (definition for column must include data type) -- SQL Server 2008 -
the following returning 2 errors: 'the definition column '0.63' must include data type.' 'the select list insert statement contains fewer items insert list. number of select values must match number of insert columns.'
i understand need assign data type columns being inserted temp table don't quite understand how dynamic code however. if explanation on how @cols variable code working , specific issue. fldpk data type int , pivot fields i.e. @cols, float data type.
declare @cols nvarchar(max), @query nvarchar(max); select @cols = stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(fldci) fn_qryt_1() xml path(''), type ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') ,1,1,'') set @query = 'select fldpk, ' + @cols + ' ( select fldpk ,fldni ,fldci fn_qryt_1() ) x pivot ( sum(fldni) fldci in (' + @cols + ') ) p declare @tps table ( ' + @cols + ' ) insert @tps (' + @cols + ') select fldpk, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] @tps ((([1])<10)) or ((([2])<10)) or ((([3])<10))' exec sp_executesql @query
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