image processing - feature detectors and descriptors comparison -
there several kinds of detectors , descriptors, sift, surf, fast. wonder eligible real-time applications? best or better?
and furthermore, harris-laplacian dectector still useful when have above three? better them?
i can advise use hessian-affine , mser detection, if need invariance different factors (e.g., viewpoint change) or fast, if need real time. fast doing similar job harris, faster.
you can "local invariant feature detectors: survey", , "a comparison of affine region detectors" many detectors tested , described well.
update: "wxbs: wide baseline stereo generalizations" extended benchmark of novel , classical detectors , descriptors.
second, description part slower detection, real-time have use gpu or binary descriptor brief or freak.
update2: "hpatches (homography patches) dataset , benchmark" , corresponding workshop @ eccv 2016. .
update3: "comparative evaluation of hand-crafted , learned local features" descriptors (and bit detectors) evaluation on large-scale 3d reconstruction task cvpr 2017 .
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