mvc - custom [Authorize] attribute -

i working mvc4 in project, simplemembership role provider. need implement task based access in project. actionresult([httppost]) consist of create,get,update , delete methods. implemented custom authorize class is...

public class authorizeuserattribute : authorizeattribute {      // custom property     public string accesslevel { get; set; }               protected override bool authorizecore(httpcontextbase httpcontext)     {         var isauthorized = base.authorizecore(httpcontext);      if (!isauthorized)         {             return false;         }          string privilegelevels = string.join("", objmanager.getpermissions()); // call method rights of user db(view,delete,update,create)           if (privilegelevels.contains(this.accesslevel))         {             return true;         }         else         {             return false;         }     }      protected override void handleunauthorizedrequest(authorizationcontext filtercontext)     {         //some code redirect request page , showing alert("you don't have permission action") through response.      } } 

i can't use [authorizeuser(accesslevel="get or delete or view or create")] on each actionresult. because implemented total view, create, update , delete functionality in 1 actionresult(which calls methods create, update, delete , view).

my problem when giving [authorizeuser(accesslevel="get")] methods, [authorizeuser(accesslevel="create")] create methods , on.... after control coming inside actionresult() checking first [authorizeuser(accesslevel="some access level")], once authorize, not checking other method [authorizeuser].

after trying [authorizeuser] on actionresult(), came conclude each page request checking authorization(not seconed time), there way call [authorizeuser(accesslevel="some access level")] more 1 time in single page request.

thanks in advance...


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