open two window with tree panel using extjs -

i want open 2 windows. here code trying with:

ext.define('dtapp.view.myviewport', {     extend: 'ext.container.viewport',      requires: [         'dtapp.class_util'     ],      id: 'mainwindow',     autoscroll: true,     layout: {         type: 'border'     },      initcomponent: function() {         var me = this;          ext.applyif(me, {             items: [                 {                     xtype: 'treepanel',                     region: 'west',                     split: false,                     autorender: true,                     autoshow: true,                     cls: 'detail-view + x-panel-header',                     width: 170,                     autoscroll: true,                     resizable: true,                     resizehandles: 'e',                     bodypadding: '0 0 0 0',                     animcollapse: true,                     collapsefirst: true,                     collapsed: false,                     collapsible: true,                     frameheader: false,                     title: 'menu',                     titlealign: 'left',                     titlecollapse: false,                     columnlines: false,                     deferrowrender: true,                     forcefit: false,                     hideheaders: true,                     store: 'myjsonptreestore',                     animate: true,                     rootvisible: false,                     singleexpand: false,                     usearrows: true,                      viewconfig: {                         autoshow: true,                         data: {                          },                         id: 'mainwindow_left_tree',                         itemid: 'mainwindow_left_tree',                         autoscroll: false,                         resizable: false,                         deferinitialrefresh: true,                         loadmask: true,                         preservescrollonrefresh: true,                         enabletextselection: false,                         animate: true,                      }                 },                 {                     xtype: 'panel',                     region: 'center',                     id: 'mainwindow_right_panel',                     itemid: 'mainwindow_right_panel',                     autoscroll: true,                     animcollapse: true,                     collapsed: false,                     collapsible: false,                     header: false,                     title: 'my panel',                     listeners: {                         render: {                             fn: me.onmainwindow_right_panelrender,                             scope: me                         }                     }                 }             ]         });          me.callparent(arguments);     },      onmainwindow_right_panelrender: function(component, eopts) {      }  }); 

when try open second window, tree panel on first window removed , in second window, shows double nodes , events not working.


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