eclipse - updating gitignore file from egit in Mac -

i'm new git (and egit), , having problems it. problem i'm seeing every time i'm trying push or merge, dirty_tree errors, files .ds_store , .classpath suffixes. tryed adding suffixes gitignore file in both local , shared repository , doesn't seem - git still looks these files when trying anything. there special needs done in order change file?
i'm using eclipse juno mac, let me know if need more details.

if add files .gitignore, need remove them index.

git rm --cached afile git commit -m " remove afile" 

see "eclipse git plugin - remove file repo without deleting local" see how in egit, without console (even though cli -- command-ilne interface) remains safest way it)

team > untrack 

then , .gitignore in effect.


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