windows - Recursive directory processing in a BAT file with a twist -
ok, apologize ahead of time a) using old, crappy technology (bat files) , b) asking seems redundant question. i'm limited in technology i'm allowed use in particular case , after looking @ dozens of posts on subject can't find can adapt need.
i have directory structure looks this: b c d etc... xyz more folders
my bat file located outside files system. need inspect starting @ level "c" , need find "xyz" directory. folders between c , xyz can have variable names depending on environment in files created. need end string consists of directory names c through xyz (i.e. "c\d\e\f....\xyz") can put variable when bat file completed can reference variable , run command.
i've looked @ posts using find , can't seem figure out how a) limit string starting directory (for example when combine dir "a\b\c...") , how stop when "xyz"...
any appreciated.
this should work in situations:
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "root=c:\a\b\c" set "target=xyz" %%r in ("%root%") /f "delims=" %%f in ( 'dir /b /s /ad "%root%\%target%"' ) ( set "fullpath=%%f" set "relpath=!fullpath:%%~dpr=!" ) echo !relpath!
it can fail if of paths contain !
or =
. there solutions this, code more complicated.
actually, there relatively simple solution using forfiles should work in situations. (assuming version of windows has forfiles)
@echo off setlocal disabledelayedexpansion set "root=c:\a\b\c" set "target=xyz" /f "delims=" %%f in ( 'forfiles /p "%root%" /m "%target%" /s /c "cmd /c if @isdir==true echo @relpath"' ) set "relpath=%%~f" %%r in ("%root%") set "relpath=%%~nxr%relpath:~1%" echo %relpath%
the restriction code has change if result contains poison characters &
. in case need add quotes final echo statement, or else enable delayed expansion @ end , use echo !relpath!
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