android - Pinch and Zoom imageview -
i have task pinch , zoom imageview, have made app swiping images , working fine; want pinch , zoom imageview on same class ;but not able this.i have gone through various example seems nothing helping in case.below code,or provide me example problem.
imageview.setontouchlistener(new ontouchlistener() { @override public boolean ontouch(view view, motionevent event) { bitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(context.getresources(), image_id[position]); bmpwidth = bitmap.getwidth(); bmpheight = bitmap.getheight(); distcurrent = 1; dist0 = 1; drawmatrix(); float distx, disty; switch(event.getaction() & motionevent.action_mask){ case motionevent.action_down: //a pressed gesture has started, motion contains initial starting location. touchstate = touch; break; case motionevent.action_pointer_up: //a non-primary pointer has gone up. touchstate = touch; break; case motionevent.action_pointer_down: //a non-primary pointer has gone down. touchstate = pinch; //get distance when second pointer touch distx = event.getx(0) - event.getx(1); disty = event.gety(0) - event.gety(1); dist0 = floatmath.sqrt(distx * distx + disty * disty); break; case motionevent.action_move: //a change has happened during press gesture (between action_down , action_up). if(touchstate == pinch){ //get current distance distx = event.getx(0) - event.getx(1); disty = event.gety(0) - event.gety(1); distcurrent = floatmath.sqrt(distx * distx + disty * disty); drawmatrix(); } break; case motionevent.action_up: //a pressed gesture has finished. touchstate = idle; break; } touchstate = idle; return true; } }); private void drawmatrix(){ float curscale = distcurrent/dist0; if (curscale < 0.1){ curscale = 0.1f; } bitmap resizedbitmap; int newheight = (int) (bmpheight * curscale); int newwidth = (int) (bmpwidth * curscale); system.out.println("new width: "+newwidth+" new heigt: "+newheight); resizedbitmap = bitmap.createscaledbitmap(bitmap, newwidth, newheight, false); system.out.println("resized bitmap: "+resizedbitmap); imageview.setimagebitmap(resizedbitmap); }
i have integrate same functionality application.
but know zoomable imageview not possible in android.
i have use following library:
try this. may helps you...:)
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