ios - How exactly does AFNetworking work? -

hi all, i've played asihttprequest, afnetworking while, today, try read source code of afnetworking more deeply, it's powerful , designed network framework, got several questions ask: 1, afjsonrequestoperation:

nsmutableurlrequest *request = [httpclient requestwithmethod:@"post" path:kmobilebind parameters:paramsbase];  afjsonrequestoperation *operation = [afjsonrequestoperation jsonrequestoperationwithrequest:request success:^(nsurlrequest *request, nshttpurlresponse *response, id json) {  //successblock   } fail:^(nsurlrequest *request, nshttpurlresponse *response, nserror *error, id json){  //failblock   } 

after this, operation created , success block , fail block set it, start operation, starts nsurlconnection in singleton thread,

[self performselector:@selector(operationdidstart) onthread:[[self class] networkrequestthread] withobject:nil waituntildone:no modes:[self.runloopmodes allobjects]]; 

inside operationdidstart:

 [self.lock lock];  nsrunloop *runloop = [nsrunloop currentrunloop];     (nsstring *runloopmode in self.runloopmodes) {         [self.connection scheduleinrunloop:runloop formode:runloopmode];         [self.outputstream scheduleinrunloop:runloop formode:runloopmode];     } [self.connection start]; [self.lock unlock]; 

this operation runs , nsurlconnection callbacks called,

 - (void)connectiondidfinishloading:(nsurlconnection *)__unused connection { self.responsedata = [self.outputstream propertyforkey:nsstreamdatawrittentomemorystreamkey]; [self.outputstream close]; [self finish]; self.connection = nil; }  - (void)finish {     self.state = afhttpoperationfinishedstate; } 

the finish method set state of operation, , uses kvo tech, finished operation: didn't see observevalueforkeypath , [obj addobserver:self forkeypath:@"isfinished" options:0 context:null]; how kvo work?


    [self willchangevalueforkey:newstatekey];     [self willchangevalueforkey:oldstatekey];     _state = state;     [self didchangevalueforkey:oldstatekey];     [self didchangevalueforkey:newstatekey];    - (bool)isfinished {     return self.state == afhttpoperationfinishedstate; } 

then got stuck here, find setcallblock fund, can't understant how self.completionblock called:

- (void)setcompletionblockwithsuccess:(void (^)(afhttprequestoperation *operation, id responseobject))success     failure:(void (^)(afhttprequestoperation *operation, nserror *error))failure  {     self.completionblock = ^ {     if ([self iscancelled]) {         return;     }      if (self.error) {         if (failure) {             dispatch_async(self.failurecallbackqueue ? self.failurecallbackqueue : dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                 failure(self, self.error);             });         }     } else {         if (success) {             dispatch_async(self.successcallbackqueue ? self.successcallbackqueue : dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                 success(self, self.responsedata);             });         }     } }; 


may did read code carefully, gets me confused, 1 has experience on afnetworking pls explains framework,

one more question, network requests ran on shared thread, slow down request?

i wanna improve skill in mutilthread programming, , need samples , suggestions, i've read apple's docs, , made simple demos, haven't tried on big project or code robust framework or model, how start? many

completionblock property of afjsonrequestoperation's superclass, nsoperation. executed when operation completes.


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