Making jquery ajax call from view to controller in cakephp 2.x -

i trying make ajax request view controller, ajax requst working fine, controller nothing returned view. don't know problem.. trying in view side displaying data controller , there 1 select box. whe select city select box, calls ajax request , should show result particular city in view.ctp.

           $('#cityid').change(function() {     $city_id= $('#cityid :selected').val();    alert($city_id);      $.ajax({               url     : "<?php echo router::url(array('controller' => 'deals', 'action' =>'topdeals'), true); ?>",               type    : "post",               cache   : false,               data    : {city_id: city_id},               success : function(data){               alert(data);                }           });          });       }); 

and in view

            <div id="form">              <?php echo $this->form->create('deal',              array('action'=>'topdeals','type'=>'post'));?>               <?php              echo $this->form->input('city_id',         array('label'=>'city','type'=>'select',        'id'=>'city_id','empty'=>'select city','options' =>$city));              echo $this->form->end();                ?>              </div>              <div class="line"></div>                 <?php           if(!empty($topdealsortbyrank))              {                foreach($topdealsortbyrank $topdealsortbyrank)                  {?>          <div class="items">              <div class="itemslogo" >              <?php echo $this->html->image('deal/dealimage/'.$topdealsortbyrank['deal']['image'],array('width'=>"100px",'height'=>"80px"));?>             </div><!-- items logo ends-->               <div class="itemdetails">               <b><?php echo $topdealsortbyrank['advertiser']['name']?></b>     <p class="red"><?php echo $topdealsortbyrank['deal']['title']?></p>                 <?php                      }                        }?> 

and in controller

           function topdealajax()      {         $this->log('ajax call -----------------');         if ($this->request->isajax())         {             $this->log('inside if request ajax -----------------');           $this->layout = null;             $this->view = 'topdeals';             if(!empty($this->request->data)) {             $this->log('inside if  not empty of params -----------------');             $data = $this->request->data['city_id'];             $this->log($data);             $city_id=$data['city_id'];             $this->log($city_id);             $city_id= $this->request->data['city_id'];        // $this->log($city_id);        $topdealsortbyrank1=$this->deal->find('all',     array('conditions'=>array('date_expiry >=' =>date('y-m-d ') ,                     'date_expiry <=' => 'date_expiry','deal.city_id'=>$city_id),'order'=>array('deal.deal_rank asc')));                //$this->log($topdealsortbyrank1);                 $this->set('topdealsortbyrank',$topdealsortbyrank1);                  $this->render('topdeals');                 }                      }                      } 

/*in ajax request should have*/ $.ajax({ ..... success: function(data){ $('#mydiv').html(data);}, //you can append or replace content of container response ... });  //in dealscontroller::topdeals() should have @ begining if ($this->request->isajax()):         $this->layout = null;         $this->view = 'view_ajax'; //other view doesn't needs layout, if necessary      endif;  /*do whatever want here, send view, view gets renderd , return result*/ 


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