load and run another .py file in wxpython GUI -
have written script gui using wx python. need load python file , run option of providing inputs(values) variables of python file using gui. , display python file results. able load file need run....
here code gooeypi application. gui front-end pyinstaller. runs pyinstaller.py
code flags , sends output textctrl
widget. uses wx.yield
avoid locking interface, although moving code own thread option.
class gooeypi(wx.frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(gooeypi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) ... # results go in here. read style people can't write in it. self.txtresults = wx.textctrl(self.panel, size=(420,200), style=wx.te_multiline|wx.te_readonly) def onsubmit(self, e): ... # getflags returns ['python.exe', 'pyinstaller.py' '--someflag' '--someotherflag'] flags = util.getflags(self.fbb.getvalue()) logging.debug('calling subprocess {}'.format(flags)) line in self.callinstaller(flags): self.txtresults.appendtext(line) def callinstaller(self, flags): ' generator function, yields on every line in output of command p = subprocess.popen(flags, stdout=subprocess.pipe, stderr=subprocess.stdout) while(true): retcode = p.poll() line = p.stdout.readline() wx.yield() # prevent gui freezing yield line if(retcode not none): yield ("pyinstaller returned return code: {}".format(retcode)) break
and getflags function reference. uses sys.executable
find path python binary file , os.path.join
find path python script run. appends number of flags based on config file. resulting list returned.
def getflags(fname): flags=[] flags.append(sys.executable) # python executable run pyinstaller flags.append(os.path.join(config['pyidir'], 'pyinstaller.py')) if config['noconfirm']: flags.append('--noconfirm') if config['singlefile']: flags.append('--onefile') if config['ascii']: flags.append('--ascii') if config['windowed']: flags.append('--noconsole') if config['upxdir'] != '': flags.append('--upx-dir=' + config['upxdir']) if pyversion(config['pyidir']) == 2.1: flags.append('--distpath=' + os.path.dirname(fname)) else: flags.append('--out=' + os.path.dirname(fname)) flags.append(fname) return(flags)
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