c++ - Migrate from 32bi to 64bit - OpenCV/MinGW/Eclipse -

i'm working opencv couple of months under windows 32bit,with eclipse , mingw. after many hours, program go through build, link without errors, when start crashes... favorite "dont send" window.....


    #include <opencv.hpp>     #include <windows.h>     #include <iostream>      using namespace std;     using namespace cv;      int main() {        mat img(mat::zeros(100, 100, cv_8u));        //imshow("window", img);        cout << "hello world!" << endl;         system("pause");        return 0;     } 

while imshow comented, there no problem, when try use imshow or waitkey, compiles, crashes ...

build commands:

   g++ "-iw:\\software\\opencv\\build\\include" "-iw:\\software\\opencv\\build\\include\\opencv" "-iw:\\software\\opencv\\build\\include\\opencv2" -o3 -g3 -wall -wextra -c -fmessage-length=0 -o "src\\helloworld.o" "..\\src\\helloworld.cpp"      g++ "-lw:\\software\\opencv\\build\\x64\\mingw\\lib" -o helloworld.exe "src\\helloworld.o" -lopencv_calib3d246 -lopencv_contrib246 -lopencv_core246 -lopencv_features2d246 -lopencv_flann246 -lopencv_gpu246 -lopencv_highgui246 -lopencv_imgproc246 -lopencv_legacy246 -lopencv_ml246 -lopencv_nonfree246 -lopencv_objdetect246 -lopencv_photo246 -lopencv_stitching246 -lopencv_superres246 -lopencv_video246 -lopencv_videostab246  

the system is: win7 64bit, eclipse cdt kepler, mingw. before trat working on xp 32bit. there possibility problem comes operating system ?

try removing each or both -o3 , -g3 compile options. don't particularly play each other.

also check if you've installed , linking against 64-bit version of standard c++ library.

try remove system command too. invokes external command, can problematic.

also replace cout cerr, unbuffered , better outputting debug messages.

if program still craches, comment each of lines single out line causes problem further tracking.


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