typo3 - Canonical tag for tt_news should pointing from couple domain to only one -

i'm usign tt_news publishing news on sites. have 3 domains using same news content, , generate canonical tags news point 1 (main) domain. have following typoscript, generates canonical tags 3 different urls.

[globalvar = gp:tx_ttnews|tt_news > 0] page.headerdata.1422 = text page.headerdata.1422 {     typolink.parameter.data = tsfe:id     typolink.forceabsoluteurl = 1     typolink.returnlast = url     typolink.additionalparams.cobject = coa     typolink.additionalparams.cobject {         10 = text         10.datawrap = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={gp:tx_ttnews|tt_news}         10.if.istrue.data = gp:tx_ttnews|tt_news         20 = text         20.datawrap = &tx_ttnews[cat]={gp:tx_ttnews|cat}         20.if.istrue.data = gp:tx_ttnews|cat     }     wrap = <link href="|" rel="canonical"> } [end] 

any sugestions?

i remove "forceabsoluteurl" , add baseurl in wrap on own.

[globalvar = gp:tx_ttnews|tt_news > 0] page.headerdata.1422 = text page.headerdata.1422 {     typolink.parameter.data = tsfe:id     # typolink.forceabsoluteurl = 1     typolink.returnlast = url     typolink.additionalparams.cobject = coa     typolink.additionalparams.cobject {         10 = text         10.datawrap = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={gp:tx_ttnews|tt_news}         10.if.istrue.data = gp:tx_ttnews|tt_news         20 = text         20.datawrap = &tx_ttnews[cat]={gp:tx_ttnews|cat}         20.if.istrue.data = gp:tx_ttnews|cat     }     wrap = <link href="http://example.com/|" rel="canonical"> } [end] 


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