Linux C: Changing process name during compilation -
so trying change name of process of c program crystal_capture crystal_captured, seems wanting keep old process name (crystal_capture) .
here makefile.
cc=gcc cflags=-c -wall msflags=-lpcap -i/usr/include/mysql -dbig_joins=1 -fno-strict-aliasing -g -l/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -lmysqlclient -lpthread -lz -lm -lrt -ldl capture=crystal_captured all: $(capture) $(capture): parser.o $(capture).o $(cc) $(msflags) parser.o $(capture).o -o $@ $(capture).o: $(capture).cpp $(cc) $(cflags) $(msflags) $(capture).cpp parser.o: parser.c $(cc) $(cflags) parser.c clean: rm -rf *.o $(capture)
commands make; sudo ./crystal_captured; ps -a | grep crystal
seeing crystal_capture
so there anyway can change process name compiling, without having go code.
after debugging , figure out. wasn't doing wrong truncating 'd' added onto name.
it must truncate 15 chars max.
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