php - How to get only email value from HTML files using DOM ? Only Email value not like link -
this page link saved in folder , address contact information of school. seen email , web link before google map block. want email value.
just save html page in scrapping folder. here's code:
<?php include('simple_html_dom.php');//required $i = 0; $dir = 'scrapping/';//folder name in html file if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false){ if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..')) && !is_dir($dir.$file)) $i++; } } $filenames = array(); foreach(glob('scrapping/*.*') $filename){ $filenames[] = $filename;//get files name in folder } $i = 1; foreach($filenames $val){ $doc = new domdocument(); $doc = file_get_html($val); $ret = $doc->find('div[class=span5]'); foreach($doc->find('.span7') $element){ $contact = $element->plaintext; if (preg_match("/\bemail\b/i", $contact, $match)) { $n = 0; // have used $n counting because in span7 div 2 tag need first time value. foreach($doc->find('.span7 a') $element){ if($n == 0){ $email = $element; $n = $n+1; } } } else{ $email = 'null'; } echo $email; } echo '<br/>'; } ?>
this php script code save file name , place both php file , scrapping folder in common folder leo folder in php file placed , scrapping folder in it.
now run php file , see output. if not have include "simple_html_dom.php" in leo folder.
if getting whole tag try following
foreach($doc->find('.span7 a') $element){ $email = $element; $email = strip_tags($email); //now can check email }
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