c# - Retrieve values from a ClientDataSet -
i writing webservice implements 3 interfaces. 1 of them uses reference com interface named interop.xxxora. in public interface of interop.xxxora i've got functions "getshiftreportdata" , "doendofshift":
int doendofshift(string clientkey) member of eps30ora.ieps30svr dynamic getshiftreportdata(string clientkey, int shiftno) member of eps30ora.ieps30svr
getshiftreportdata returs clientdataset (delphi)
this line in webservice call it:
int shift_num = svr.doendofshift(inputparams.ck); object shift_data = svr.getshiftreportdata(inputparams.ck, shift_num);
i don't error buy dont nothing in shift_data.
i need know how access returned cliendataset in order send values client.
any appreciated. thanks
in question (both title , last substantive sentence), seem saying have "returned clientdataset" want access.
i don't know client is, other data-oriented interface tclientdataset, think best , easiest way access tclientdataset's data use savetostream method. can ask data in xml format, can transmit client, can use standard library read data.
however, in line above final question, don't in shift_data. if don't have tclientdataset, won't able use savetostream method.
hope helps little.
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