Why I have memory leak in C/MEX? -
i'm totally beginner in c/mex. simple code call "magic" function matlab. have no idea why "out of memory" message.
#include <mex.h> void mexfunction(int nlhs, mxarray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxarray *prhs[]) { #define a_in prhs[0] #define a_out plhs[0] mxarray *r; r=mxcreatedoublematrix(a_in,a_in,mxreal); mexcallmatlab(1, r, 1, &a_in, "magic"); a_out = mxduplicatearray(r); mxdestroyarray(r); return; }
seems duplicate of r
. basically, according doc (that should read before asking question, sayin' :) ), creating new array
. calling function allocate more memory store copy.
so leak a_out
. can use valgrind tool finding those, options --leak-check=full
. of course, compile debug flags of compiler (-g3
gcc), give of informations need fix leaks.
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