How to make custom annotations for validations in spring -
i have put different validations different stages. example: have student class these attributes public class student{ integer id, integer rollnumber; string name; integer age, string fathersname, string mothersname }
i have validate object before saving in database on different conditions: 1. if save draft stage id , rollnumber should mandatory, 2. if save submit stage fields should mandatory.
is there way write annotations can define these validations using @draft , @submit per annotations. example @valid(type=draft)
here go.. not tough.. share code validate string valid ip address:
you need write annotation validator , need write concrete validator implementation:
below annotation class validator can use on specific field want validate:
@target({ field}) @retention(runtime) @constraint(validatedby = inetaddressvalidator.class) @documented public @interface validip { string message() default "{validip.message}"; class<?>[] groups() default {}; class<? extends payload>[] payload() default {}; }
now need write concrete validator implementation below:
public class inetaddressvalidator implements constraintvalidator<validip, string> { private static final pattern ipv4_pattern = pattern.compile("^([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\."); public boolean isvalid(string value, constraintvalidatorcontext context) { if (!(commonutility.isnullorempty(value) || ipv4_pattern.matcher(value).matches())) { return false; } return true; } public void initialize(validip parameters) { } }
you can include annotation on field :
@validip(message = "enter valid ip address") private string ip;
not work @ bind time when spring tries map form parameters bean.
just point out, isvalid method 1 needs have logic check validity.
the initialize method 1 used perform initialization before isvalid called.
try out , if still need customized question let me know might have time write you.
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