java - not able to insert values in my postgresql database -

in java code:

callablestatement cs=null; int bcode=1; int dcode=3; int noftab=3; string sql2 = "{? = call public.insertdepttables('"+bcode+"','"+dcode+"','"+noftab+"')}"; cs = conn.preparecall(sql2); cs.registeroutparameter(1,types.integer); rset1=cs.getint(1); system.out.println("success="+rest1); 

in insertdepttables:(function in db-postgresql)

create or replace function public.insertdepttables (   in  branch_code  integer,   in  dept_code    integer,   in  no_tables    integer ) returns integer $$ declare count integer; begin      if no_tables>0           loop      insert t_dept_tables(branch_code,dept_code,table_no)values(branch_code,dept_code,no_tables);       no_tables=no_tables-1;       count=count+1;      exit when no_tables =0;      end loop ;      end if; return count; end $$ 

actually need insert no_table (i.e.,3) times row in t_dept_tables in postgresql. wat have done hav written functions in database. need call java code. used callable stmt there:

my output should in db:

bcode dcode table_no 1      3     1 1      3     2 1      3     3 

now while executing java code, i'm getting result as,



but 3 rows arent inserted in db, while executing function in db, values inserted. no wrong in db function. please me sort out.

are sure haven't forgot call statement, like:

cs.executequery(); ... cs.close(); 

btw, task achieved without functions, (don't use string concatenation, use parameter values):

string stm = "insert t_dept_tables(branch_code,dept_code,table_no) values(branch_code,dept_code,no_tables); values(?, ?, ?)"; cs = con.preparestatement(stm); cs.setint(1, id); cs.setint(3, id); cs.setint(3, id); rs = cs.executeupdate(); 


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