perl - How to match lines in one file against lines in another? -

i know majorly wrong here, new perl , looking following:

find lines in all.css contain lines in unused.css , logic. way code structured, seems cannot match like:

if ($linea =~ /$lineu/) #if line in all.css contains line in unused.css

since variables being defined separately.

how structure program able match lines in all.css against lines in unused.css?

my program below:

#!/usr/bin/perl  use strict; use warnings;  open(my $unused_handle,'<', "unused.css") or die $!; open(my $all_handle,'<',"all.css") or die $!; open(my $out, '>' ,'lean.css') or die $!;  $lineu = q{}; $linea = q{};  print $out "$lineu";  while($lineu =<$unused_handle>) {      print $out "$lineu";     #print $out "$linea";  line 1 not printed     while($linea =<$all_handle>) {          if ($linea =~ m/$lineu/sxm) {              print "huza!\n";         }          else {             print "no match\n";         }      }  }  close ($unused_handle); close ($all_handle); close ($out);  print "done!\n";  exit; 

an example of input files below.

example lines unused.css:

audio, canvas, video audio:not([controls]) [hidden] h6 

example lines all.css:

article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section, summary {     display: block; } audio, canvas, video {     display: inline-block;     *display: inline;     *zoom: 1; } audio:not([controls]) {     display: none;     height: 0; } [hidden] {     display: none; } 

i hope (untested) snippet helps bit:

#!/usr/bin/perl  use strict; use warnings;  open(my $unused,'<', "unused.css") or die $!; open(my $all,'<',"all.css") or die $!;  # store lines of unused.css in hash %unused_line; while (<$unused>) {     #remove newlines     chomp();     #store line key empty value     %unused_line{$_}=""; } close ($unused);  #...for every line in all.css while (<$all>) {     #have seen in unused.css (at least before ' {')     if ((m/^(.*\s+)\{/) && (exists $unused_line{$1}))     {         #a match - found line of unused.css in all.css     }else{         #no match  - line not exists in unused.css     } } close ($all); 


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