vba - change cell properties from an excel file open with a wsf script -
i have wsf script, vritten in visual basic, run db2 query , save results in file .csv .
function creacsvdasql (sql,filecompletepath) dim input , conn,rs,csvtext,fso,fs,line set conn = createobject ("adodb.connection") conn.open _ "provider=sqloledb.1;initial catalog=xxxx;data source=xxxxx;mars connection=true;user id=xxxx;password=xxxx" set rs = conn.execute (sql) line = "" dim tmp each tmp in rs.fields line=line & tmp.name & ";" next if (not rs.eof) csvtext = line & vbcrlf & rs.getstring (2,, ";", vbcrlf) rs.close: set rs = nothing conn.close: set conn = nothing dim l_sn l_sn = replace (now, "-", "") l_sn = replace (l_sn, ":", "") l_sn = replace (l_sn, "", "") set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject") set fs = fso.createtextfile (filecompletepath, true) fs.writeline (csvtext) fs.close: set fs = nothing set fso = nothing end if end function
everytime collegue open file csv excel have change cell in text format, try find way programmatically, without macro, because file deleted everytime script run , cannot store macro.
somebody can me ? thanks.
a .csv file can't store data type/meta info columns. if db2 not provide tools export .xls directly/reliably, options are:
- create schema.ini file describe structure of .csv
- use import dialog wizard create , save suitable import specification; open .csv via macro refering specs
- enhance sql query concatenating quotes or re-formatting appropriate
- open .cvs using "excel.application", necessary changes, save .xls
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