android - Does calling invalidateViews() on Listview re-inflates the view for rows? -

i have been using using listview since long experienced of random behaviour. when call invalidateviews() on listviews, in cases re-inflates views each row , in cases doesn't. random. can tell me how works? ideally should refresh data inside views(rows) , not inflate them again.


calling invalidateviews() on listview should not re-inflates listview item views. way force listview re-inflates item views, meaning recycled views cleared, resetting listview adapter ( had dig in source code discover ).

if take @ invalidateviews() method implementation (source code in, see (android api 16) :

/**  * causes views rebuilt , redrawn.  */ public void invalidateviews() {     mdatachanged = true;     remembersyncstate();     requestlayout();     invalidate(); } 

the method remembersyncstate() implemented in stores listview's position of selected item (if any), can check out.

the requestlayout() method takes care of measuring, laying out, , drawing (as far know) nothing here too.

and invalidate() used force list view draw (with new measurements, ...)

so calling invalidateviews() should not force list view re-inflate views. re-setting adapter somewhere re-inflates views ?


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