r - Is it a bug in data.table and integer64 I found -

i having lot of difficulties data.table , integer64 (package bit64)> understanding integer64 cannot yet used in by clause. though might have found bug in "sort".

library(data.table) library(bit64)  test4 <- structure(list(idfd = c("360627720722618433", "360627720722618433" ), cdvca = c("2013-03-13t09:36:07.795", "2013-03-13t09:36:07.795" ), numseq = structure(c(1.05397451390436e-309, 1.05397443975625e-309 ), class = "integer64")), .names = c("idfd", "cdvca", "numseq" ), row.names = c(na, -2l), class = "data.frame")  str(test4) 'data.frame':   2 obs. of  3 variables:  $ idfd  : chr  "360627720722618433" "360627720722618433"  $ cdvca : chr  "2013-03-13t09:36:07.795" "2013-03-13t09:36:07.795"  $ numseq:class 'integer64'  num [1:2] 1.05e-309 1.05e-309  test4 <- as.data.table(test4)  str(test4) classes ‘data.table’ , 'data.frame':  2 obs. of  3 variables:  $ idfd  : chr  "360627720722618433" "360627720722618433"  $ cdvca : chr  "2013-03-13t09:36:07.795" "2013-03-13t09:36:07.795"  $ numseq:class 'integer64'  num [1:2] 1.05e-309 1.05e-309  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>   setkey(test4,idfd,cdvca,numseq) test4                  idfd                   cdvca          numseq 1: 360627720722618433 2013-03-13t09:36:07.795 213326816542720 2: 360627720722618433 2013-03-13t09:36:07.795 213326801534975 #this not sorted !! 

am right ?

update: implemented in v1.9.3 (available r-forge), see news :

o bit64::integer64 works in grouping , joins, #5369. james sams highlighting upcs , clayton stanley.
reminder: fread() has been able detect , read integer64 while.

on op's example above:

test4 #                  idfd                   cdvca          numseq # 1: 360627720722618433 2013-03-13t09:36:07.795 213326801534975 ## sorted right # 2: 360627720722618433 2013-03-13t09:36:07.795 213326816542720 


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