eclipse - PrimeFaces components are not rendered in browser in spite of dependency being present -

i'm developing jsf web application primefaces 3.5 on eclipse 4.3. there no compiletime or runtime errors , application deploys successfully. however, cannot desired output in browser. primefaces components not show up, while standard jsf components do.

i'm not sure if configured right. primefaces jar @ least inside /web-inf/lib:

enter image description here

and primefaces xml namespace declared xmlns:p="http:\\\ui"

enter image description here

and mapped facesservlet on *.xhtml:

enter image description here

here's full source code of login.xhtml:

  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">   <html xmlns=""    xmlns:h=""     xmlns:f=""     xmlns:p="" >         <h:body>   <h:head ><title>login page !!</title></h:head>  <h:form>   <p:panel id="panel" header="login panel" style="margin-bottom:10px;">        <h:panelgrid columns="3">           <h:outputlabel  value="user id:" />           <p:inputtext id="id" value="" required="true" requiredmessage="id required"/>           <p:message for="id" />          <p:outputlabel value="user name:" />           <p:inputtext id="name" value=""  required="true" requiredmessage="name required" />           <p:message for="name" />     </h:panelgrid>   </p:panel>   <p:commandbutton type="submit" value="submit" action="#" style="margin-right:20px;" />   


the output looks this:

enter image description here

as see, <h:outputtext> did job, none of <p:xxx> show up. how caused , how can solve it?

as cause of concrete problem of primefaces components not being rendered, per screenshot, have leading blank space in primefaces taglib uri:


this significant , wrong. rid of it:


this way primefaces components must parsed , appear in html output.

for remainder recommend go through sane jsf2 tutorial first. you're making several conceptual mistakes covered decent hello world example. start @ our jsf wiki page. mistakes not have "blank page" consequence. cause different problems (e.g. css/js not functioning , form submit not working). if still stucks on that, should asking new question.


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