c# - jqGrid passing extra parameters when calling delGridRow -
i reading documentation here regarding how delete row api works, didn't find way cleanly pass down parameter/s. possible in edit , when fetching data, not delete.
basically explain why need it, have session based editable grid, session needs unique guid generated when rows written session, render them hidden inputs(outside of grid) specific id each grid knows input his. know griddelrow has "url" option , concatenate url query string, break current behavior controller action method looks
public virtual actionresult editrow(rowgridviewmodel rowgridviewmodel, string guid) { return handlegriditemedit(rowgridviewmodel, guid); }
and jqgrid api call
$(gridobject).jqgrid("delgridrow", id, { "top": "", "left": "", "width": "150px", "zindex": 99999, "modal": true, "drag": false, "closeonescape": true, });
so if edit url option breaks current functionality, not option same method edit of row used. know render hidden columns data inside, ugly. if have suggestions how done appreciate it.
you can this
function deleterow(id, gridobject) { var gridguid = getgridsessionguid(gridobject); $(gridobject).jqgrid("delgridrow", id, { "deldata": { guid: gridguid } }); }
edit: ups didn't see comments
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