validation - Where the list of all toolbar button names and group names available in CKEditor 4? -

this question similar what toolbar buttons available in ckeditor 4? , reinforce of old other one. add here perceptions , personal difficulties faced.

the ckeditor documentation good, pulverized , "incomplete" javascript programmers (first-time ckeditor deployer), because "stops in middle"... examples:

  • if need removebuttons, need list of valid names.

  • if need customize — source-code, changing array elements —, need not clues , examples here, full list of valid names, syntax rules, context exceptions, , perhaps list of "official plugin names".

question: there command (a simple alert(debug)) or documented list of possible names? (or controled , registered plugin-names, group-names, etc.)

... ckeditor4 promoted (the best of best!) "plug , play" editor, but, programmers, false, without proper "managing controlled-names" support.

note: config.js need reference valid names, , no documentation show list of valid names changes @ config.js arrays. programmer need, today (august 2013) need expend of time using google find valid names, or using browser's "element inspector" clues it. no name, no programming task simple @ config array.

dream: web designer supply "customize ckeditor" (!!). developers, there no tool or illustration showing "button icons , associated names", or group names, etc... is, "organized map features names" (and vice-versa). each map need also, of course, "context exceptions", "source" not works inline editor.

(more practical examples, edit after @noseratio , @davidkonrad comments). problem "what valid name each context?"

if have @ config like,

editor.config.toolbargroups = [     { name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },              ...     { name: 'styles' },     { name: 'colors' }, ]; 

and need change { name: 'styles' } customized one, example need functions:

  { name: 'styles', items : [ 'styles', 'format', 'fontsize' ] } 

so, need know names, , when (contexts) use properties "name", "items", "groups" these names. bug if use "items" @ toolbargroups property, or if use "fontsize" instead "fontsize". also, addbuttoncommand , others, need know valid parameter. wrong to define,

  addbuttoncommand( 'fontsize', lang.underline, 'underline',                      config.corestyles_underline ); 

but difficult work without knowing "all valid names list" each context.

(more practical examples, edit after @mahangm comment)

if use this v4 guide , instructions (that equivalent v3), have "name problems", when using ckeditor4 , inline editor:

  • the "default ckeditor toolbar setting" "full toolbar"?

  • if take off 'spellchecker' (old v3 name 'spellchecker'), why not work? , why need take off 'scayt'?

  • what names can use inline editor? when use groups , when use items in editor.config.toolbar array?

  • ... etc. ... (read question: problem correct choice of valid name in context)... programmer need "complete formal specification", not clues , fragments of information.

(this not answer suggestion it, can copy/paste post yours)

(you can colabore editing here)

"item item" configuration

your editor work in "toolbox definition": simple javascript array,

config.toolbar = [ g1, g2, ..., gn ]; 

controlling "every single toolbar in toolbox" contents , defining precise position. toolbar definitions, gi, can arrays or strings:

  • when gi string, bar-line separator, '/';
  • when gi array, sequence (alias "group") of button names (alias "item").

so, general form of toolbox definition array is

config.toolbar = [      ['item11', 'item12', ..., 'item1n'], 'bar_sep',      ['item21', 'item22', ..., 'item2n'], ... ]; 

where itemi,j valid button name. in abnf is,

 item      =  butname / "-"  butname   = 1*alpha      ; , camelcase name. 

scenarios (that define "namespaces") of configuration @ august 2013, ckeditor v4:

  1. git clone git://

  2. other have less plugins or less code.

  3. other have more (oficially registered namespace) plugins.

software context butnames valid:

  • the associeated plugin (see below table of "full list of valid butnames") installed (see scenarios 1, 2 or 3);

  • the butname not @ config.removebuttons list, neither associated plugin removed @ config.removeplugins;

  • ... butname defined ckeditor version (ex. use 'spellchecker' v4 , 'spellchecker' v3).

all registered plugin names

see config.plugins in scenario-1, list of valid names plugins (alphabetic order):

 a11yhelp,about,basicstyles,blockquote,button,clipboard,contextmenu,dialog,  dialogui,elementspath,enterkey,entities,eqneditor,fakeobjects,filebrowser,  find,floatingspace,floatpanel,horizontalrule,htmlwriter,image,indent,  indentlist,link,list,magicline,maximize,menu,menubutton,panel,pastefromword,  pastetext,popup,removeformat,resize,save,scayt,showblocks,sourcearea,  specialchar,tab,table,tabletools,toolbar,undo,wsc,wysiwygarea  ,... ? ... more? 

they "plugin" or "extraplugin"? see scenario-3:

 texttransform, etc. 

ps: scenario-1. @ plugins/ directory have only,

a11yhelp   dialog           icons.png  magicline      specialchar  wsc      fakeobjects      image      pastefromword  table clipboard  icons_hidpi.png  link       scayt          tabletools 

full list of valid butnames

specification of names , related contexts. plugins sufixed "-1" or "-3" remember scenario's "namespace".

butname                  | plugin            |  invalid context -------------------------|-------------------|------------------ bold                     | default-1         | ?always ok? no excetions? italic                   | default-1         | ... ...                      | ...               | ... source                   | default-1         | not works inline editor ...                      | ...               | ... transformtexttouppercase | texttransform-3   | scenario-1 transformtextcapitalize  | texttransform-3   | scenario-1 ...                      | ...               | ... 

(this answer complete if can complete table!)


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