android - TypedArray - how to retrieve textStyle from xml (getInteger fails) -

textstyle integer value, following should work, shouldn't it?

private static final int[] attrs = new int[] {     android.r.attr.textsize,     android.r.attr.textcolor,     android.r.attr.textstyle };  typedarray = context.obtainstyledattributes(attrs, attrs);  tabtextsize = a.getdimensionpixelsize(0, tabtextsize); tabtextcolor = a.getcolor(1, tabtextcolor); tabtypefacestyle = a.getinteger(2, tabtypefacestyle);  a.recycle(); 

actually, tabtypefacestyle has default value...

my layout looks following:

<com.astuetz.viewpager.extensions.pagerslidingtabstrip     android:id="@+id/indicator"     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:textcolor="@color/white"     android:textsize="14sp"     android:textstyle="normal"     app:dividercolor="@color/white"     app:dividerpadding="2dp"     app:dividerpaddingbottom="8dp"     app:indicatorcolor="@color/abs__holo_blue_light"     app:indicatorheight="8dp"     app:tabpaddingleftright="5dip"     app:underlinecolor="@color/abs__holo_blue_light" /> 

ps: following fails:

typedvalue v = new typedvalue(); boolean s = a.getvalue(2, v); 

s false....


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