iphone - Display an App correctly on 3.5" and 4" screen -
i finished develop app. trying make nice in both iphone 4 , 5.
i trying height of scren following method doesn't work. idea?
cgrect screenbound = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]; cgsize screensize = screenbound.size; if (screensize.height == 1136) { nslog(@"iphone 5"); }else if(screensize.height == 960){ nslog(@"iphone 4 retina"); }else{ nslog(@"iphone 4 non retina"); }
this complete viewwillappear method:
-(void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated { [[uidevice currentdevice] endgeneratingdeviceorientationnotifications];
cgrect screenbound = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]; cgsize screensize = screenbound.size; nslog(@"%@",nsstringfromcgsize(screensize)); if (screensize.height == 568.0f) { nslog(@"iphone 5"); }else if(screensize.height == 480.0f){ nslog(@"iphone 4 retina"); }else{ nslog(@"iphone 4 non retina"); } [firststepsbutton.titlelabel sethidden:yes]; [workingbutton.titlelabel sethidden:yes]; [accommodationbutton.titlelabel sethidden:yes]; [universitybutton.titlelabel sethidden:yes]; [meetmebutton.titlelabel sethidden:yes]; [improveyourselfbutton.titlelabel sethidden:yes]; self.navigationcontroller.navigationbarhidden = true;
// self.view.backgroundcolor = [uicolor colorwithred:2/255.0f green:42/255.0f blue:97/255.0f alpha:1.0f];
[super viewwillappear:animated];
it wouldn't because screen's coordinate system in points, not pixels. try this:
cgrect screenbound = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]; cgsize screensize = screenbound.size; nslog(@"%@",nsstringfromcgsize(screensize)); if (screensize.height == 568.0f) { nslog(@"iphone 5"); }else if(screensize.height == 480.0f){ nslog(@"iphone 4 retina"); }else{ nslog(@"iphone 4 non retina"); }
you should consider using uidevice's userinterfaceidiom
check whether device iphone/ipad, , uiscreen's scale
determine whether device retina or not.
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