eclipselink - JPA: several relations -

i have trouble jpa , right annotations , tried lot of annotations , combinations @joincolumn, mappedby , on, still errors. use eclipselink (jpa 2.1).

i have owner class store:

@entity public class store extends baseentity {      @notnull     private string name;      @notnull     @onetomany     private list<price> listprices;      @notnull     @onetomany     private list<businesshours> listbusinesshours;      @notnull     @onetoone     @joincolumn(name="store_id")     private pointcoordinates pointcoordinates; ... } 

this class pointcoordinates:

@entity public class pointcoordinates extends baseentity {      @notnull     private float long;      @notnull     private float lat;      @onetoone(mappedby="pointcoordinates")     private store store;     ... } 

and 1 of "@onetomany" classes of 'store':

@entity public class businesshours extends baseentity {      private boolean holiday;      @manytoone     private store store;     ... } 

i thought should work, because 'store' owner of 'pointcoordinates' have annotate attribute private store store @onetoone(mappedby="pointcoordinates") , on other side have annotate attribute private pointcoordinates pointcoordinates @joincolumn(name="store_id") still same error:

error message on glassfish 4.0

caused by: javax.persistence.persistenceexception: exception [eclipselink-4002] (eclipse persistence services - 2.5.0.v20130507-3faac2b): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.databaseexception internal exception: java.sql.sqlexception: fehler beim zuweisen einer verbindung. ursache: java.lang.illegalstateexception: lokale transaktion enthält bereits 1 nicht-xa-ressource: weitere ressourcen können nicht hinzugefügt werden. error code: 0 call: insert pointcoordinates (id, lat, long) values (?, ?, ?) bind => [3 parameters bound]

error message on glassfish (english)

exception [eclipselink-4002] (eclipse persistence services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.databaseexception internal exception: java.sql.sqlexception: fehler beim zuweisen einer verbindung. ursache: java.lang.illegalstateexception: local transaction has 1 non-xa resource: cannot add more resources. error code: 0 call: insert pointcoordinates (id, lat, long) values (?, ?, ?) bind => [3 parameters bound] query: insertobjectquery(

i have answer! got error because annotated pointcoordinates "@notnull". wrong, should use attribute "optional".

the reason other error got "local transaction has 1 non-xa resource: cannot add more resources" happened because had several different transactions several persistence units.


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