installshield - SQL Server 2012 Express checking and silent installation -

we need perform following using installshield 2013, can please guide me:

  1. check if sql server express installed in user's machine or not.
  2. if present, version present.
  3. if version not 2012, need install sql server express 2012 silently in background.
  4. give write access on folder particular login (sql service)
  5. after installation of sql express 2012, need restore database .bak file.
  6. after restoring db, how run sql scripts?

please provide me link or guidance on how acheive above objectives. parallely trying read documentation , blogs, vast.

thanks in advance, pavan

there different ways achieve it. can check using prerequisite , installed. can use custom action or install script silent install of sql server after doing registry check.

once installed, using script can restore database, , installshiled basic msi provides options include sql scripts , run or using installscript can run sql scripts .


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